PLease SUpport The Lens

We know that we cannot do this work alone.
We're incredibly grateful for our donors and their support.
Your gift will help fund the Transformative experiences of our workshop participants,
but also benefit audiences worldwide by viewing and learning Through
The Lens' Video Series.

The Living Arts Counseling Center, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, is the The Lens' fiscal sponsor. All donations are used for operational costs associated with The Lens' workshops, the production of the video trailer and individual episodes for the video series.  Donations are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.
[Tax ID: 95-3073718, Registered Name: The Living Arts Counseling Center]

If desired, your name will also appear in the donor list in the credit roll for the video episode we're currently producing at the time of your donation. Once you make a donation, we'll contact you about inclusion in it.

There are a variety of ways to make donations to The Lens.

Make an Online Donation

Donate Now

Become a sponsor


Please make your check payable to
“Living Arts Counseling Center” and mail to:

Living Arts Counseling Center

Attn: Nermin Soyalp, Administrative Director,
Healing the Wounds of History

1265 65th Street, Emeryville, CA 94608


If you would like to make a donation through
a wire transfer, please contact:

Nermin Soyalp, Administrative Director,
Healing the Wounds of History

Tel: +1 (510) 595-5500 ext. 16




Do you have an idea for how to raise money for The Lens? If so, we want to hear from you!